Common Dental Emergencies and How to Handle Them

Dental emergency can be quite stressful, so knowing how to handle them is important. Let’s discuss what are some common emergencies are and learn how to handle them.

1. Toothache:
   - Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it.
   - Use dental floss to remove any trapped debris.
   - Take over-the-counter pain relievers.
   - See a dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. Chipped or Broken Tooth:
   - Save any broken pieces.
   - Rinse your mouth and the broken pieces with warm water.
   - Apply gauze if there's bleeding.
   - Visit a dentist as soon as possible.

3. Knocked-Out Tooth:
   - Handle the tooth by the crown, not the root.
   - Rinse it gently and try to reinsert it into the socket.
   - If not possible, store it in milk or saliva.
   - Get to a dentist immediately for the best chance of saving the tooth.

4. Lost Filling or Crown:
   - Keep the area clean and avoid chewing on it.
   - Temporary dental cement or sugarless gum can cover the exposed area.
   - See your dentist promptly for replacement.

5. Object Caught Between Teeth:
   - Gently try to remove the object with dental floss.
   - Do not use sharp objects or excessive force.
   - If unsuccessful, see a dentist.

6. Broken Braces or Wires:
   - Cover any sharp edges with orthodontic wax.
   - If a wire is stuck, try to gently reposition it with a pencil eraser.
   - Seek orthodontic care to fix the issue.

7. Abscess or Gum Infection:
   - Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater.
   - Use over-the-counter pain relievers.
   - See a dentist promptly, as gum infections can be serious.

8. Partially Dislodged Tooth:
   - Gently push the tooth back into place.
   - Bite on a piece of gauze to stabilize it.
   - Seek immediate dental care.

9. Lip or Cheek Injury:
   - Clean the area gently with warm water.
   - Use a cold compress to reduce swelling.
   - If bleeding is severe or the injury is deep, seek medical attention.

10. Jaw Fracture or Dislocation:
    - Keep the jaw stable and avoid moving it.
    - Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
    - Go to the emergency room for immediate care.

11. Sudden Tooth Sensitivity:
    - Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash.
    - Avoid extreme hot or cold foods.
    - Consult your dentist to identify the cause.

If you are having a dental emergency, see a dentist immediately!